Position filled: Research Fellow

Blick in den Innenhof des WZB, View of the inner courtyard of the WZB
Foto: Andreas Bliemeister
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The WZB Ber­lin Social Sci­ence Cen­ter, research unit Global Soci­ology, is seek­ing to appoint one Research Fel­low (f/m/x) within the frame­work of the Cluster of Excel­lence “Con­test­a­tions of the Lib­eral Script” (SCRIPTS). The pos­i­tion entails full­time (39 hours/week) employ­ment for three years, start­ing prefer­ably on 01 August 2022 (sub­ject to approval).

We are hir­ing a post-doc­toral research fel­low to join the pro­ject “Vari­et­ies of Diversity Scripts,” led by Prof. Yasemin Soysal (WZB), Prof. Gülay Çağlar (Freie Uni­versität), and Prof. Kath­rin Zip­pel (Freie Uni­versität). The­or­et­ic­ally, the pro­ject invest­ig­ates the rela­tion­ship and ten­sions between equal­ity, mer­ito­cracy, and diversity. Empir­ic­ally, it aims to identify and map cross-national dif­fu­sion and pat­terns of diversity scripts as con­veyed in uni­versit­ies’ offi­cial web­sites and doc­u­ments, com­ple­men­ted by in-depth case stud­ies of selec­ted uni­versit­ies. We are seek­ing applic­ants with research interests in global dif­fu­sion of ideas and insti­tu­tions, higher edu­ca­tion, sci­ence, mer­ito­cracy, and diversity.

The pos­i­tion is embed­ded within the Global Soci­ology unit (led by Yasemin Soysal) at the WZB Ber­lin Social Sci­ence Cen­ter, which is a pub­licly fin­anced research insti­tu­tion that con­ducts the­ory-based and prob­lem-ori­ented social sci­ence research (http://www.wzb.eu/en). The Global Soci­ology research unit is also part of the Cluster of Excel­lence “Con­test­a­tions of the Lib­eral Scripts” (SCRIPTS), which ana­lyses the con­tem­por­ary con­tro­ver­sies about the lib­eral order from a his­tor­ical, global, and com­par­at­ive per­spect­ive (http://www.scripts-berlin.eu).

Your tasks


What we offer

How to apply

Equally well-qual­i­fied applic­ants with dis­ab­il­it­ies will be given pref­er­ence. We value diversity and wel­come all applic­a­tions regard­less of gender, nation­al­ity, eth­nic or social ori­gin, reli­gion, dis­ab­il­ity, age, or sexual ori­ent­a­tion. The WZB expli­citly encour­ages women and per­sons with a migrant back­ground to apply.

If you have any ques­tions, please con­tact Lina Hayek at lina.hayek@wzb.eu.

Please send us your online applic­a­tion in Eng­lish (con­sist­ing of a let­ter of motiv­a­tion, includ­ing a detailed descrip­tion of how your back­ground, expert­ise, and exper­i­ences fit with the advert­ised pos­i­tion; a cur­riculum vitae; a list of pub­lic­a­tions; a writ­ing sample; cop­ies of rel­ev­ant cer­ti­fic­ates; and your PhD cer­ti­fic­ate – the doc­toral thesis is expec­ted to have been at least sub­mit­ted by the start of the pos­i­tion) by no later than 09 June 2022.

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